Whisky by Flavour - Astringent - Salty

Salty notes can be identified in both the aromas and the flavours on the palate in whiskies, typically the aromas will give off the recollection of coastal sea air and remind the noser of trips to the sea side. Whereas, the affect on the palate is directly made as Salt is astringent on our palate, this is because the salty flavour gives a dryness with a puckering sensation to our tongue and taste buds. The source of salty flavours and aromas in whisky isn't completely clear cut, however, we know that the flavours are absent from new make spirit and have to come from the extractions from wood especially tannin seen in greater quantities in Eurpean Oak. Secondly from oxidation, which occurs during maturation and this is where the belief that whisky maturing in coastal warehouses across scotland absorbes the salt from the sea air and results in the changes to the flavour and aromas of the whisky.  

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